Friday, May 27, 2011

NZ among the happiest of the OECD...Yeah Right!

Reports out recently suggest New Zealand is near the top of the first multinational index of well-being and wealth.  The Paris based Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has produced an interactive tool measuring 20 different indicators in 34 countries. New Zealand scores in the top four with Canada, Australia and Sweden.
The index suggests it is only New Zealand's financial wealth, in comparison with other rich nations, and long working hours, that prevents the country being on top.  That, and its appalling record with child abuse, domestic violence and binge drinking.  However, sources within the Paris based OECD suggest that Kiwi's liking of a tipple or two actually scored them bonus points, and serves to "block out those other two things".  A spokesperson within the Alcohol and Liquor Advisory Council (ALAC) suggest there is a difference between "a tipple" and getting right royally rat-arsed and smashing the crap out of your so-called loved ones.
My sources within the OECD suggest that New Zealand's Ministry of Tourism, fun, and Police has paid off the OECD in order to reflect New Zealand in a good light in view of the upcoming Rugby World Cup and expected influx of tourists.  "We prefer our violence to stay on the rugby paddock" says Minister, Four Square Guy.

The Minister of Tourism, Fun, and Police Four Square Guy, in a
promotional photo for the Rugby World Cup, says "She'll be right!"

About 10 children are killed every year in New Zealand by a member(s) of their family.
Child Youth and Family received 49,063 reports of abuse that required further action in 2006.
Around 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 10 boys in New Zealand have experienced sexual abuse.
The economic cost of family violence was estimated at $1.2 to $5.8 billion per year by
economist Suzanne Snively in 1994. In today’s figures that would rise to $8 billion.
Canadian Darlene Barriere, author of 'From Victim to Victory', calls our rate of child abuse an 'epidemic', citing socio-economic factors a huge influence in child abuse statistics.  When added to our noted long working hours it all adds up to an explosive cocktail.  One that Government representatives have called "inexcusable".  Yet a year after 3 month old twins died at the hands of adults nothing significant has been done, and nothings changed.  
When the Minister was questioned about the issue he replied:  "Who's this Darlene chic anyway?  Let's see her come here and say that, why I oughta..."  After calming down he added, "Yeah, nah, look we know we have a problem but she'll be right.  You know us Kiwis - the old No. 8 wire attitude and all".  When asked to elaborate he explained "Yeah, nah ya' know, No 8 wire?  See what we plan to do is use the no. 8 to make a big fence compound then lock all these parasites in it and play last man standing!"
However, despite this tough talk from the Minister, damning reports from the Independent Police Complaints Authority describe how the police handling of child abuse cases shows at least one district prioritised traffic fines ahead of child abuse investigations, and in the Wairarapa there was a backlog of more than 100 child abuse investigation files where there had been little or no progress by police on the original complaint.

Also, nearly half all homicides in New Zealand are family violence. Police are called to around 200 family violence situations every day - one every 7 minutes - but estimate that only 18% of incidents ever come to their attention.

The Minister moonlights as a busker to supplement
his Ministerial wage, highlighting the 'long work hours
for little monetary reward' the OECD claims NZ suffers from. 

The Minister was defiant "Ah yeah, but what does it tell you about us Kiwi's that we're still voted fourth happiest country despite all that?"  Some would say that there in lies the problem, that perhaps we have our heads in the sand.  "Well there may be some truth to that," replies the Minister "It wouldn't be the first time us politicians have been accused of having our heads in the sand, or up our asses"
The most common dominator in most cases of violence in New Zealand is alcohol, says Minister of All Things Unpleasent, Damien O'Connor.  "I have said many times that alcohol and other drug abuse is a recurring theme in many crimes in New Zealand.  A great many of our 7900 prisoners and offenders serving sentences in the community have issues with alcohol. 

Binge drinking had become an initiation ceremony or 'rite of passage', for teenagers, an Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand (ALAC) speaker told a Nelson conference today.
ALAC research showed some 785,000 New Zealand adults regularly indulged in binge drinking, she said. Teenage binge drinkers, who merely wanted to act like adults, regularly witnessed society tolerating and sometimes celebrating such behaviour.
Four Square Guy commented "Look, all I can say is that if these figures are correct, and I can neither confirm nor deny that at this stage, and we still rank fourth on the list of happiest people, then all the other countries ranked below us must be absolute shit.  And let me tell you, I've been to Australia, who rank above us, and it ain't that flash you know!"  With that he refused to comment further and high-tailed it out the door shouting "Right, I'm off to the pub, who's in?"
OECD officials we contacted in light of this interview exclaimed "Vell, eet Looks like ve haf to check oura feegures again!  Ve'll git back to you"

The Minister, Four Square Guy, looking a little
worse for wear after a session, atop the roof of Bellamy's
Restaurant singing "I'm on top of the world
looking down on creation..."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama's Code Name in the UK Raises Eye Brows, and Standards

It has been reported today that President Obama has been given the codename "Chalaque" for his UK visit.   This translates to "smart alec" or "cheeky, crafty and cunning" 

"Chalaque "is sometimes used when we want to denigrate someone who we think is too clever for their own good", the director of the UK's Network of Sikh Organisations, Indarjit Singh, told London's The Times.  The codename was computer generated The Daily Mail reported.  The computer was based in Bangalore, India and was situated at the Vodafone Helpdesk Centre and it appears a computer software error was responsible.  Further investigations have shown the latest Sydney Suburbs phonebook has a listing for 'B.Obama, President of the United States' and the listed address was noted as having an army of what are thought to be body guards surrounding the property.  One neighbour of the property I spoke with stated:  "Strueth, I just thought it was a rugby league stag doo!"   Russell Crowe denied it was his property.

Obama, who is in Britain for the inaugral International World Leaders Ping Pong Tournament, made time to meet, and practice, with British Team Captain, Prime Minister David Cameron.  The Queen, who is a huge ping pong fan, will act as umpire .

Obama & Cameron take time to practice before the
International World Leaders Ping Pong Tournament

Sources inside the White House state that code names are often used for security reasons.  Bill Clinton's code name for his many visits to the UK was Chubbywumba, which translated from Swahele, meaning "philandering, leachorous, adultering pig dog".  George Bush's initial code name was 'Piglumber', taken from the Northern Inuit Dialect, which meant "braindead, lumbering, baffoon-like laughing stock" but was thought didn't conceal his identity sufficiently so "G-Dubbya" was agreed upon.

President Obama, 49, has been criticised as being "too professorial" in his speeches and approach to issues.  The former university law professor practised civil rights law before embarking on a career as a politician in 1996.  The President, talking to a delegation of Topshop clothes store managers in the Elephant & Castle today, apologised for having obtained an education, being eloquent, well balanced, socialable, and level headed.
"I know you're used to having recent U.S. Presidents present their speeches to you in picture book form and approach all international relations with the philospohy of "nuke 'em high" but I assure you that's not my style".

Latest Ladbrokes figures show America remain the firm favourites at the ping pong tournament starting Friday.  Underdogs, and crowd favourites, Libya, had to pull out at late notice because no-one could agree who their leader was.

America's Obama modelling the his new playing strip, sponsored by Topshop,
for the inaugral International World Leaders Ping Pong Tournament Starting Friday.
The Queen, officiating this years tournament, dons gear sponsored by Ezybuy and Sashes-R-Us.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Camping's Calculation Catastrophy Causes Confusion

Harold Camping is now predicting the Rapture will be on October 21st, which ironically is the exact same birthdate as dynamite inventor, Swede Alfred Nobel, and that other catastrophic disaster, Kim Kardashian.  Coincidence?  I think not! 

In response to this news retail outlets worldwide are planning to have their Boxing Day Sales brought forward and are expecting a run on survival kits.  One source I spoke with said "It's going to be hell - literally!  I well imagine that these items, along with all Christians, will just disappear out the door!  We've included an extra item in this years kit, and that is a Bible - just in case." 

In relation to his latest flawed prediction Camping was quoted as saying “…he felt so terrible when his doomsday prediction did not come true that he left home and took refuge in a motel with his mistress”.  Campings diminishing band of followers, or 'Merry Men' as he likes to refer to them,  did likewise, as reported on  “When the Rapture didn't arrive Saturday, crestfallen followers began turning their attention to more earthly concerns”

On his recent miscalculation "...because of a mathematical error", Camping had this to say: "Kids, stay in school! I remember asking my teacher why we had to do maths, because I was never going to need it as I just wanted to be a preacher when I grew up!  My teacher tried to tell me that you never could tell when you'd need it.  Gee, don't I feel a fool now!  I imagine she is probably laughing at me now, along with the rest of the world!" 
Jeff Hopkins, 52, a long time follower, who attached a neon sign to his car saying “The End is Nigh” summed it up nicely when he said; "I've been mocked and scoffed and cursed at and I've been through a lot with this lighted sign on top of my car"  Hopkins, a former television producer, who now lives in Sunny Hills Sanitarium, Great River, NY went on to say "I was doing what I've been instructed to do through the Bible, but now I've been stymied. It's like getting slapped in the face."  He went on to add "But I suppose a slap in the face is nothing compared with earth ending catastrophic hell-fire and brimstone, a plague of locusts or the demons of hell devouring your soul?  But I guess it's all relative"  Hopkins also added that, being New York, his car was often mistaken for a taxi cab with many a drunken punter advising:  “Dude, you spelt night wrong!” 

Camping's nonprofit radio station reported in 2009 IRS filings “…that it received US$18.3 million in donations, and had assets of more than US$104 million, including US$34 million in stocks or other publicly traded securities”.  Camping was heard to joke with a fellow devotee that he "...hopes that when God conducts the Rapture he brings a needle, with an eye of suitable size, so he, and his fortune, can fit through it!"  When reminded that he couldn't take it with him when he went, he replied disappointingly "Really?  I think I'll need to recalculate again in that case!" reported that Tim LaHaye, co-author of the best-selling "Left Behind" novels about the end times, recently called Camping's prediction "not only bizarre but 100 percent wrong!" He cited the bible verse Matthew 24:36, `but about that day or hour no one knows" except God.  "While it may be in the near future, many signs of our times certainly indicate so, but anyone who thinks they `know' the day and the hour is flat out wrong," LaHaye wrote on his Web site,  “And by the way” he continues after a lengthy pause “God actually only talks to me, and he told me the actual date, but asked I keep it a secret because then everyone would be getting on the forgiveness bandwagon, he'd be inundated, and all hell would break loose”

Some say the flaw in LaHaye’s argument is that he forgets about the time difference.  Should D-Day occur on the 21st of October as predicted, then it would occur first in New Zealand due to their location on the international dateline.  As the first country to see the light, or blazing inferno in this case, they would be first to be destroyed  Therefore, allowing for this time difference, other countries would be pre-warned and be able to, quickly, organise mass convertions or confessions, Afghanistan excluded.  Hopefully this would allow the multitudes to ride the rapture train.

Rugby World Cup officials have indicated that should D-Day be confirmed for the 21st October then the final of the World Cup would be rescheduled from the 23rd October to an earlier date to meet televison committments.  Daniel Carter and Richie McGaw have been reported as reassessing their decisions to resign with the NZRFU and stay in New Zealand after the World Cup.  Carter was heard to say "This would be a great time to use one of my 'sabbatical' cards and get out of hell free!"  McGaw was heard to say "Doh!"

God could not be contacted for comment.  Instead, Christians offered a 1000 page prepared statement entitled the Bible.

"Stop, drop, roll...and pray!" says Carter should Armageddon hinder the Rugby World Cup"

"Wait, I know, carry the one...equals..."